Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Another Long Train Voyage
Did I say the journey back to Paris should be trouble-free? Haha. I got to the station at Hyeres on Monday morning and found that the trains as far as Toulon were cancelled, because of what the French call a "mouvement social" - I personally call it an anti-social movement, because I think strikes are anti-social. Anyway the woman at the ticket office assured me that from Toulon there would be trains, so I got on the bus from Hyeres to Toulon, which took nearly an hour, but represented good value for money, as it was only 1.40 € and quite scenic.

At Toulon, there were trains, and I got on one for Marseille that stopped every station, again this was more scenic than the TGV would have been. At Marseille I had quite a wait for my train, but at least I got there in time, it would have been bad to miss it, because all the trains were fully booked. At least I arrived home at the scheduled time, although pretty tired because of lugging my case - now heavier with some algae bath products - on and off buses and trains, and finally up my four flights of stairs.

Yesterday, I overdid it madly, went to the bank at La Defense, tried to go to La Droguerie (gave up because the queue was enormous), went to Des Fils Et Une Aiguille and to Le Bon Marche and the supermarket. I was exhausted, and today I am still in my pyjamas at 11am - although thinking about getting out of bed and tackling the washing mountain.... I need to get back to normal and start preparing for 2010. 2009 has been a strange year, where I've been busy, but not accomplished much (certainly not on the stitching front), so I need to make some lists and set some goals for 2010. More of that later!
posted by Ally at 11:49 am ¤ Permalink ¤